Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Rangiroa dive shop

 Yesterday the diving was fantastic. We saw a pod of bottlenose dolphins swim by casually at about 70'. This was followed by 10+ spotted eagle rays, a big manta ray and about 50 various sharks trolling the pass into Rangiroa. The finale was a drift into the lagoon on an incoming tide that I can only describe as the human equivalent of flying through blue space.


  1. Keep up the good work! We love reading your posts. Mary and I have been hitting the trails, keeping the bike chains spinning!

  2. Hey guys, thought of you last weekend when Susie and I had our first solo on the 18' Spacesailer on Canyon Ferry! Not quite the same venue but still fun! I'm enjoying your posts!

  3. Sounds like paradise--floating in space.
    I won't make a snarky comment about Hell's Kitchen. Things looking up here.

  4. Lexi, so sad I missed your call. Think I was hunting down my crazy dogs who escape weekly. Haven't been biking much since St. George with Kim, but think things may start to change; Susie and I rode Bear Canyon today. Ready to ship your bikes when i get the word. Let me know what fall tentatively holds. trying to find time to visit you along your adventure. Feel like I am missing out! Definitely missing you!
