Clown fish in an anenome, Mamanucas |

We had a great time with Megan on board this week. She was a great sport and even got certified for scuba while here. She delivered lots of goodies from home and generally brightened up the place. She even even endured a showing of
Jack goes Boating. Thanks for the great visit, Megan!

This little damselfish was very curious with the camera and swam right up to me several times.

Fantastic coral formation in the Yasawas.

This little yellow chromis fish was giving the manta ray a run for its' money. Mantas only eat plankton, so I can only think he was just catching the wave made by the big ray. Martin thinks he was showing off for his friends. These 2 rays were 10-12 feet in wingspan and swam 6 feet under us while we were snorkeling. Just curious, I guess.
Nice pics! I look forward to hearing about Megan's adventure! It continues to be an incredible fall, no hard frost yet, so I just keep harvesting tomatoes and more tomatoes. Not all bad!